Online Training Trends


It is now quite trendy to have education available in some online training format.  A few company focus solely on online training and building an online student community.  It is certainly a great idea and if done right, can be very beneficial to our society.Training03

Now, let’s face it, any school or even tutoring school are probably require to adhere to some curriculum standards and guideline.  But the internet is the wild wild west.  Sites are popping up all over with online training created by anyone out there, with very little supervision on its content.  Not to mention that most training are outdated so fast that  they become legacy before even hitting prime time.

There are certainly pros and cons for that.  Pro is that it support a totally open market, there are tons of material out there.  Cons is that you really don’t get any quality assurance for them.  Even when it is free or if you are willing to pay the price, it is the time wasted and maybe even misguided information that may hurt you the most.  Of course though, among all this, there are some excellent training module out there, but how do you locate them?

I would like to take a look at the various offering, and try to provide a summary for you.
