
Bubble Sort

Sorting algorithm is probably one of the first thing we learn when we study computer science.  My goal is to try to provide the simplest tutorial for you that hopefully will inspire you to think in simple way, and learn the underlying data structure and algorithm. What is bubble...

Java Modifiers

With the variety of programming languages out there, and each one of them may have a slightly different implementation on their syntax and behavior. It is kind of hard to remember them all, so it will be very helpful to have some quick cheat sheet that will provide guideline...

Commonly Used SQL in 1 page


SQL (Structured Query Language) has been around for many years and is a very useful tool to access data in small or large scale.  If you are like me, that may not be using SQL everyday, but need to use it once in a while.  What I like to...

A Simple HTML Page

The internet, also known as the World Wide Web, started to really take shapes in the 1980s, and basically has exploded into all aspects in our society. We can find all kind of information in the internet,  we can also interact with it, we shop online, we pay our...

API Service Blueprint Overview – POC Implemented in AWS


Inter-connectivity is the magic word nowadays as we need to leverage each other services to orchestra a seamless and cohesive UI experience for our users.  API services are now very popular as they are the “contract” or “entry points” which empower orderly collaboration of services.  API services encapsulate the...

Time to cut the cord?

How many of you still have a home telephone line which is a “land line” that uses the good old phone jack? The world has moved on to cellular and voice over IP phones, and the “land line” service tend to be ridiculously expensive.  Here is a few things...

Data Types in R


Data Types in R take on an interesting twist in contrast to other traditional programming languages like Java and C. In R, the variables are not “declared” with any data type, the variables are assigned some values and the values itself will determine the data type of the variable....

Easy web access log processing with R


I recently had a need to diagnose a problem in my web site, so I wanted to do some analysis of the raw access log file.  There are many out-of-the-box analytical utility available but none of them allows me to drill down to the access pattern in more details....

Ready to make your home smarter?

Have you consider getting some of the advance techie stuff for your home? You probably already have them around without even knowing.  Do you have an automatic garage door opener?  Do you have a coffee machine that can be set to brew coffee at 6:30am every morning? that’s it,...

AWS IOT (Internet of Things) 101


One of very fascinating thing is happening on the internet, the IOT (Internet of Things). This is really the basic concept for all of our smart gadgets.  If you really think about it, out good old line telephone was an internet of things, so were our beeper, blackberries, door bell,...