To Cloud or Not to Cloud?

It is a cloudy morning today, but we are not talking about the weather.  Cloud services are quite popular now and are available quite abundantly and down-to-earth.  There are many discussion in the corporate world regarding availability, reliability, and security for enterprise level type of cloud services.  But how...

Raspberry Pi 3 – Overview

I recently ordered a Raspberry Pi 3 to evaluate it for both home automation and education purpose.  It is quite an amazing piece of hardware for under $40, and there are tons of open source software available. This is what it looks like when it arrives, it comes in...

API Service Blueprint Overview – POC Implemented in AWS


Inter-connectivity is the magic word nowadays as we need to leverage each other services to orchestra a seamless and cohesive UI experience for our users.  API services are now very popular as they are the “contract” or “entry points” which empower orderly collaboration of services.  API services encapsulate the...

Ready to make your home smarter?

Have you consider getting some of the advance techie stuff for your home? You probably already have them around without even knowing.  Do you have an automatic garage door opener?  Do you have a coffee machine that can be set to brew coffee at 6:30am every morning? that’s it,...

AWS IOT (Internet of Things) 101


One of very fascinating thing is happening on the internet, the IOT (Internet of Things). This is really the basic concept for all of our smart gadgets.  If you really think about it, out good old line telephone was an internet of things, so were our beeper, blackberries, door bell,...

What is AWS Multi-Factor Authentication?


If you do use AWS (Amazon Web Services) to cloud enable your business, you should be very interested in the security services provided in the AWS Identity and Access Management module. Let’s start with the simple interactive access where you, your administrator, or your developer can sign on to...