I’m doing a number of projects with the Raspberry Pi. The latest? I just got Amazon Alexa running on my Raspberry Pi and respond to the wake word “Alexa”. This is all base on the Alexa AVS Sample App, provided by Amazon. Ready to setup it up? So what...
Articles with the Tag IOT
Raspberry Pi 3 – Overview
I recently ordered a Raspberry Pi 3 to evaluate it for both home automation and education purpose. It is quite an amazing piece of hardware for under $40, and there are tons of open source software available. This is what it looks like when it arrives, it comes in...
AWS IOT (Internet of Things) 101
One of very fascinating thing is happening on the internet, the IOT (Internet of Things). This is really the basic concept for all of our smart gadgets. If you really think about it, out good old line telephone was an internet of things, so were our beeper, blackberries, door bell,...